Friday, 7 December 2012

Videos now online from SOBR Symposium 2012

That's right a selection of the presentations from SOBR Symposium 2012 are now online, so those of you who weren't able to make it on the day can now see what all the fuss was about. You can view the videos by going to the SOBR Network's Youtube channel or by clicking on the links for the individuals talks below. Thanks again to all the presenters for their hard work and we look forward to seeing you all in 2013.

Robert Smith
Susan Carey

Orwa Dandash

Matthias Koenning

Nastasia Lim
Bevan Main

Samantha Barton

Dominic Dwyer
Andrew Walker

Monday, 3 December 2012

Congratulations Lizzie Manning - GSA Graduate Student of the Year

Earlier today, SOBR's Lizzie Manning was announced as The University of Melbourne Graduate Student Association's Graduate Student of the Year. In a highly competitive field of nominees it was great to see Lizzie's commitment to community outreach, her PhD and of course the SOBR Network recognised by both the GSA and her peers. So on behalf of the entire SOBR Network, Congratulations Lizzie Manning, Graduate Student of the Year    

Lizzie being presented with the award by His Excellency The Governor of Victoria, Alex Chernov

Lizzie with His Excellency The Governor of Victoria, Alex Chernov, joint-winner Melanie Alforque and GSA President Mr Martin Spencer

The SOBR support crew showing their support for Lizzie

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Science Communication Award winner Dominic Dwyer's RRR Interview

Dominic Dwyer presents at SOBR Symposium 2012.
Dominic Dwyer, recipient of the Science Communication Award at SOBR Symposium 2012, recently had his interview with RRR's Jacinta Parsons. As always Dominic gave a candid overview of his own research as well as some of the philosophies behind the neuroscience and self-control in a more general sense. You can now listen to Dominic's interview here (interview starts at 1:18:40).

Image Courtesy of SMN Photography.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Register now for Prof Ingrid Scheffer's ICT for Life Sciences Forum presentation "Paroxysmal neurological events – The new genetics solves age-old questions"

Registrations are now open for Professor Ingrid Scheffer's ICT for Life Sciences Forum presentation "Paroxysmal neurological events – The new genetics solves age-old questions".

For many years, there was debate about whether paroxysmal events occurring in sleep were a type of epileptic seizure or a movement disorder. Similarly the aetiological relationship between movement disorders and epilepsies occurring in one person has been a matter of intense scrutiny. With the advent of the new genetic techniques such as whole exome sequencing, we are beginning to shed light on these age-old questions. Gene discovery is showing that one gene may cause both disorders occurring in different anatomical substrates and at different ages. Identification of the molecular basis is the initial step in devising novel targeted therapies for these severe disorders.

The presentation will be held in the main auditorium of the Melbourne Brain Centre on Monday 15th October at 6pm,  with refreshments from 5pm.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Why Science Matters: A Q&A on the importance of science for Australia’s future

Will science play an important role in Australia’s future economy? Does science provide good value for money? What skills do we need to build for Australia in the post-mining era? What are Australia’s research strengths and why do they matter? 

This science Q&A panel features Federal Member for Melbourne, Adam Bandt in conversation with leading scientists, discussing why science matters for Australia.

This free event will be hosted by Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea, Chair Australian Early-Mid Career
Researcher Forum, and will feature a panel including:

  • Adam Bandt, Federal MP for Melbourne, Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens
  • Prof Doug Hilton, Director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
  • Prof Geoff Prince, Director, Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute
  • Prof Rachel Webster, Head of the Astrophysics Group, University of Melbourne

WHEN: Thursday 27 of September, 6pm

WHERE: GTAC (Gene Technology Access Centre), University High School, 1H
Royal Parade, Parkville

RSVP: The event is completely free but registrations are 
required and can be made here.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Neurosciences Victoria Brain and Mind Scholarships

Applications are now open for the 2013 Neurosciences Victoria (NSV) Brain and Mind Scholarships. These awards are to encourage graduate research as a viable option in clinical neuroscience and related disciplines by providing support to clinical researchers and allied health professionals at Victorian institutions.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Market of the Mind - Speed meet a Scientist

Image courtesy of Simmone Spring
On Friday 10th August the cerebral, scientific and social worlds collide with Market of the Mind, an event where you can discover how your brain can be tricked into believing a conman, alter your perceptions and spot the pseudo-science. 

The event will be held within at City Square and will include a number of different mini-activities including Speed-Meet-A-Scientist session, some ‘alcohol goggles’ where people can see how alcohol changes their perception of the world and various other hands-on activities. The event aims to not just have people talking to researchers but also experiencing science experiments designed for adults rather than for children.

Want to attend?
Friday 10th August, 5.30pm onwards (Speed meet a Scientist starts at 6.00pm)
City Square 
How much   

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Abstract Deadline - Biological Psychiatry Australia Meeting

Abstract deadline is Next Monday so make sure you get in quick. More information about the conference can be found here.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Congratulations Samantha Barton - Feedback Draw Winner

Congratulations to Samantha Barton, the winner of the SOBR Networking dinner's feedback draw. Samantha has won a complimentary three night stay package for two at the exclusive Reef House Resort & Spa Palm Cove (Valued at $1350.00 per package generously donated by Rydges.

Friday, 22 June 2012

The 2012 Graeme Clark Oration - Professor Dame Linda Partridge

'Professor Dame Linda Partridge imagines a future in which we all stay young by taking a pill that reduces the impact of ageing. She’s not promising immortality, rather she’s working toward a future in which we age gracefully – healthy, happy and active until the end.
Dame Linda will visit Melbourne in July to deliver the 2012 Graeme Clark Oration, hosted by the ICT for Life Sciences Forum. The Oration will be chaired by the ABC’s Dr Norman Swan. She predicts that within a decade, there will be drugs which could keep us healthy in body and mind long into our old age. Starting in our 40s, we could take medicines to prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and heart disease; to preserve our vital organs; and even to keep our hair full and shiny. Dame Linda heads research teams at University College London, and is the founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Cologne.
The 2012 Graeme Clark Oration will be held at the Melbourne Convention Centre on Wednesday, 18 July at 6.15 pm. For those unable to attend or living outside Melbourne, the Oration will also be able to be viewed via webcast.' 

Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute Seminar "How input from the eye is processed in the brain"

The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute 2012 External Speaker Program present Professor Greg Stuart, The John Curtin School of Medical Research, Canberra.

"How input from the eye is processed in the brain"

Video presentations from SOBR Networking dinner 'From the Lab to the Layman'

For all of you who missed out on the networking dinner, or for those who want a quick reminder on what was discussed, the videos of Sophie Scott, Prof Pete Doherty and Prof Ingrid Scheffer are now online!

Part 1 - Sophie Scott

Saturday, 26 May 2012

From the Lab to the Layman: Communicating science to the public

As the inaugural SOBR networking dinner has now been and gone we wanted to take a quick moment to say thank you for helping us make the night such an enjoyable evening. As mentioned last night the SOBR network is here to represent you as an early-career researcher and in order to ensure this is done effectively we are asking for your feedback. The feedback survey, which can be found at, will take approximately five minutes of your time and will enter you into the draw to win a complimentary three night stay package for two at the exclusive Reef House Resort & Spa Palm Cove (Valued at $1350.00 per package generously donated by Rydges. The package is valid until the 24th May 2013 and does not include flights. The survey and competition entry closes midnight on Friday 1st June.

Thanks again for supporting the SOBR network and don’t forget to keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for updates on the upcoming SOBR Symposium 2012, not to mention more photos from the dinner.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Society for Neuroscience Chapter Travel Awards

Whilst the deadline for abstract submissions to the 2012 Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting has now passed. We thought we'd take a quick moment to let you all know that the Melbourne Chapter of SfN is now welcoming nominations for a number of travel awards.

Chapters Graduate Student Travel Awards
The Chapters Graduate Student Travel Awards honours outstanding graduate students to help defray travel expensesto the SfN annual meeting and complimentary meeting registration.

Chapters Postdoctoral TraineeTravel Award
The Chapters Postdoctoral Trainee Travel Awards honours outstanding postdoctoral trainees to help defray travel expenses to the SfN annual meeting and complimentary meeting registration.

More information and nomination forms for the awards can be found here or by contacting the Melbourne Chapter SfN Secretary Junhau Xiao.

If you're interested make sure you get your nominations in quick as the deadline is Friday 1st June 

Monday, 7 May 2012

Professor Ingrid Scheffer on women in science

Late last week The Age published an article featuring Prof Ingrid Scheffer, one of our special guests for the upcoming networking dinner, on the what it's like to be a female scientist in Australia. 

Professor Ingrid Scheffer. Photo: Simon Schluter

"There is still a glass ceiling for women in science in Australia. More than 50 per cent of PhD students are women and more than 50 per cent of medical students are women. And yet when you get to professorial level, it's fewer than 10 per cent," Prof Ingrid Scheffer.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

SOBR networking dinner 'From the Lab to the Layman' now SOLD OUT

SOBR's upcoming networking dinner 'From the Lab to the Layman' is now officially sold out. For those of you who bought tickets you will be hearing from us soon regarding dietary requirements and seating preferences and for those that missed out... Well we'll look forward to seeing you all at the SOBR Symposium 2012!

Monday, 30 April 2012

Discoveries Need Dollars - Protect Research!

The future of medical research in Australia is being debated and your support is vital. The McKeon Review public consultation is on Tuesday, and it is critical that we demonstrate to the panel the strength of support for health and medical research in Melbourne.


Tuesday 1 May 2-4pm

Crown Melbourne Conference Centre, conference hall 1, level 2 (entrance 8 Whiteman Street, Southbank).

Because plans for the next ten years of health and medical research in Australia will effect you.

About this time last year, we rallied for research to fight the budget cuts and we won. And one of the things we won was this strategic review of health and medical research, called the McKeon Review. They are going to make recommendations to the Government on what Government needs to do to support medical research in Australia. It would be terrible to waste this opportunity to influence the recommendations that the McKeon Review panel will put to Government.

So it's time to show your support again. If you've every complained about the NHMRC, if you've ever worried about your career, your funding, your work/life balance, the future of your research... then be a part of the process that could change it all.

Register your interest here or via email to let them know you'll be there.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Australian Society for Medical Research Student Research Symposium 2012

A showcase symposium for Victorian biomedical research PhD and Honours students to present their work & network with other students from around the state.

Monday 4th June, 9am-5pm

Bio21 Institute

Registration and abstract submissions are now open.
Abstract submissions close 20th April.

The ASMR Medical Research Week® undertaken by The Australian Society for Medical Research is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.

Monday, 2 April 2012

I'm a Scientist, Get me out of Here!

I’m a Scientist, Get me out of Here! is an award-winning science enrichment and engagement activity that has been running in the UK for three years.
It’s an Australian Idol-style competition for scientists, where students are the judges. Scientists and students talk online on this website. They both break down barriers, have fun and learn. But only the students get to vote.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Who is SOBR?

Who is SOBR? As many of you know, SOBR is the network run for young brain researchers across Melbourne BY young brain researchers across Melbourne. But as we haven't all been formally introduced why not take a moment to meet some of the SOBR team working behind the scenes to make it all possible. 

Monday, 26 March 2012

Imaging structure and function in the Nervous System

July 24 – August 13, 2012

Application Deadline: April 15, 2012

Arranged by:David DiGregorio and Jack Waters

Advances in light microscopy, digital image processing, and the development of a variety of powerful fluorescent probes present expanding opportunities for investigating the nervous system, from synaptic spines to networks in the brain. This intensive laboratory and lecture course will provide participants with the theoretical and practical knowledge to utilize emerging imaging technologies. The primary emphasis of the course will be on vital light microscopy. Students will learn the principles of light microscopy, as well as use of different types of electronic cameras, laser scanning systems, functional fluorophores, delivery techniques, and digital image-processing software. In addition to transmitted light microscopy for viewing cellular motility, the course will examine a variety of molecular probes of cell function, including calcium-sensitive dyes, voltage-sensitive dyes, photo-activated ("caged") compounds, and exocytosis tracers. Issues arising in the combination of imaging with electrophysiological methods will be covered. Particular weight will be given to multi-photon laser scanning microscopy and to newly available biological fluorophores, especially Green-Fluorescent Protein (GFP) and its variants. We will use a spectrum of neural and cell biological systems, including living animals, brain slices, and cultured cells.

Applicants should have a strong background in the neurosciences or in cell biology. In their personal statements, applicants should specify: 1) their experience with optical techniques, 2) how they will apply optical methods in their current projects, 3) the microscope systems available to them, and 4) their long-term goals in learning more about optical methods. 

More information can be found here.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research

The federal government has commissioned a Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research in Australia, which is being chaired by Mr Simon McKeon, the 2011 Australian of the Year. The McKeon review will recommend a 10-year strategic health and medical research plan for the nation and they want members of the public to contribute their views.

Will you help protect research in the longer term? Are the next ten years important for your career in research?

Anyone can make a written submission to the panel, so I encourage you to have your say on the future of health and medical research in Australia. Personal testimony is a powerful force.

Please help!! Further information about the review is available at its website,

Find out how you can ensure that your voice is heard by visiting Discoveries Need Dollars now!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

School Outreach Program - Brain Awareness Week 12-18 March 2012

During Brain Awareness Week a number of events are organized to engage the public, education sector and scientists. The School Outreach Program has been a successful initiative, since starting in 2009, and is an integral part of our Brain Awareness Week (BAW) activities. 

So what's involved? A neuroscientist, such as yourself, is invited to speak about the brain, their research and career to students in years 10-12. Over 25 schools have so far been recruited for BAW 2012 (March 12th-18th) each of which require enthusiastic speakers who are willing to share their research endeavours and experiences. Talks are generally between 20-30 minutes and the rest of the time is left open for questions. We aim to send two speakers to each school, thus providing ample opportunity for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to talk about their work to the general public. 

We plan to continue and expand this program in the future as it is a rewarding experience for the neuroscientist, teachers and students. If you are interested, or require more information, please contact (by 29th Feb)

Monday, 6 February 2012

ANS 2012 Awards

Congratulations to Miles Minter and Patrick Atkinson, for their outstanding performance at ANS 2012! They managed to sweep the board for oral presentation prizes - out of the best in Australia. Well done boys, way to represent!

Congratulations must also go to Anita Ferner who took out the prize for the best poster at ANS 2012. Looks like young Melbourne brain researchers are continuing to lead the way.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Are you an expert in empathy or reading?

Does anyone in the fields of psychology or brain development have expertise on the subjects of empathy development or on the effects of reading? If so the GSA's journal, Plane Tree, would love to get your thoughts on the matter!  

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

FENS Forum 2012

Fancy a Spanish holiday later in the year? Then get your abstract submitted for the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) 2012. The Forum is being held at the International Convention Centre in Barcelona from July 14 through 18. Submissions close February 5 and student travel assistance is available. More information can be found here.