Wednesday, 15 February 2012

School Outreach Program - Brain Awareness Week 12-18 March 2012

During Brain Awareness Week a number of events are organized to engage the public, education sector and scientists. The School Outreach Program has been a successful initiative, since starting in 2009, and is an integral part of our Brain Awareness Week (BAW) activities. 

So what's involved? A neuroscientist, such as yourself, is invited to speak about the brain, their research and career to students in years 10-12. Over 25 schools have so far been recruited for BAW 2012 (March 12th-18th) each of which require enthusiastic speakers who are willing to share their research endeavours and experiences. Talks are generally between 20-30 minutes and the rest of the time is left open for questions. We aim to send two speakers to each school, thus providing ample opportunity for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to talk about their work to the general public. 

We plan to continue and expand this program in the future as it is a rewarding experience for the neuroscientist, teachers and students. If you are interested, or require more information, please contact (by 29th Feb)

Monday, 6 February 2012

ANS 2012 Awards

Congratulations to Miles Minter and Patrick Atkinson, for their outstanding performance at ANS 2012! They managed to sweep the board for oral presentation prizes - out of the best in Australia. Well done boys, way to represent!

Congratulations must also go to Anita Ferner who took out the prize for the best poster at ANS 2012. Looks like young Melbourne brain researchers are continuing to lead the way.