Friday, 22 June 2012

The 2012 Graeme Clark Oration - Professor Dame Linda Partridge

'Professor Dame Linda Partridge imagines a future in which we all stay young by taking a pill that reduces the impact of ageing. She’s not promising immortality, rather she’s working toward a future in which we age gracefully – healthy, happy and active until the end.
Dame Linda will visit Melbourne in July to deliver the 2012 Graeme Clark Oration, hosted by the ICT for Life Sciences Forum. The Oration will be chaired by the ABC’s Dr Norman Swan. She predicts that within a decade, there will be drugs which could keep us healthy in body and mind long into our old age. Starting in our 40s, we could take medicines to prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and heart disease; to preserve our vital organs; and even to keep our hair full and shiny. Dame Linda heads research teams at University College London, and is the founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Cologne.
The 2012 Graeme Clark Oration will be held at the Melbourne Convention Centre on Wednesday, 18 July at 6.15 pm. For those unable to attend or living outside Melbourne, the Oration will also be able to be viewed via webcast.' 

Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute Seminar "How input from the eye is processed in the brain"

The Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute 2012 External Speaker Program present Professor Greg Stuart, The John Curtin School of Medical Research, Canberra.

"How input from the eye is processed in the brain"

Video presentations from SOBR Networking dinner 'From the Lab to the Layman'

For all of you who missed out on the networking dinner, or for those who want a quick reminder on what was discussed, the videos of Sophie Scott, Prof Pete Doherty and Prof Ingrid Scheffer are now online!

Part 1 - Sophie Scott