Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Deadline extension for a further week.

Hi all,

It appears some who registered for the symposium missed out on submitting an abstract and vice versa so to give everyone an equal chance to be considered for talk/poster we have extended the deadline till 5pm this Friday (26th). So make sure you pass this on to anyone you think may have missed out.

Remember, in addition to submitting your abstract by downloading the abstract submission form (see post below this one), you also need to register your attendance at the event by going here and filling out your details.

Remember we have two excellent plenary speakers, loads of great student talks, plenty of posters, prizes galore and coffee, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and post-event drinks all provided for FREE!

We look forward to seeing you all there!

- SOBR team

Monday, 15 September 2014


We have extended the abstract deadline by one week to make sure everyone gets a chance to submit their work. We have also been lucky enough to secure two fantastic guest speakers! So make sure you fill out the abstract submission form and send it through to us by THIS FRIDAY.

Abstract submission requires this document to be downloaded, filled out and e-mailed to sobrnetwork@gmail.com. See poster for details.